Stress is a natural part of life that ebbs and flows with the challenges we face in our relationships, finances, health, parenting, and careers. But when stress becomes overwhelming and begins to consume us, it can have a profound impact on our physical and mental well-being.

The Physical Toll of Stress

Have you ever experienced headaches, stomach aches, anxiety attacks, or endless fatigue? These are just a few of the ways our bodies manifest the stress we're under. When stress levels skyrocket, our bodies go into overdrive, sending signals to our brains that something isn't quite right.

Listening to Your Body

It's important to listen to these physical cues and recognize when our bodies are telling us to slow down and take a breather. Ignoring these signs can lead to long-term health issues and exacerbate stress levels even further.

Finding Balance

So how can we manage stress and take charge of our well-being? It starts with finding balance in our lives. This might mean setting boundaries in our relationships, creating a budget to alleviate financial stress, seeking support for family health issues, prioritizing self-care in our parenting journey, or reevaluating our career goals.

Here are our tips & tricks for managing your stress!

  1. Learning to relax.

    This can include deep breathing, scheduling sauna or massages, practicing meditation or mindfulness, or even picking up a yoga class. These are perfect for managing your physical symptoms!

  2. Exercise & moving your body.

    Exercise is one of the best ways to manage stress, believe it or not. It sounds contradictory that you are under immense stress causing physical symptoms, and I’m telling you to move your body.  🤣

    The endorphins released when we work out is what gives us the “happy” feeling. Regular exercise has been shown to reduce stress, improve mood, and boost immunity.

  3. Practicing time management.

    You know that feeling when you accidentally double booked meetings or the kids activities, or maybe didn’t give yourself enough travel time between appointments? The anxiety, heart rushing, feeling frazzled… you can thank lack time management!

    Don’t worry- we have all been there a time or 2.

    Time management can help you reduce stress by giving you more control over your schedule. We suggest trying to prioritize your tasks and set realistic goals.

  4. Mindfulness & self awareness.

    Mindfulness is truly an art. It’s the ability to be fully present and aware of our moment to moment thoughts, bodily sensations, and environment with a neutral lense.

    I promise it’s not all “woo woo” and wild. Practicing mindfulness can support you in reducing your stress and improve your mental health by getting out of your own head! Are there any other overthinking queens?

  5. Connecting with friends and loved ones.

    If you ask me, this is my top favorite tip for stress management.

    Nothing compares to that feeling of grabbing coffee with your long time gal pal, catching up with the craziness of life, and feeling truly heard. I call this “filling my soul bucket”.

  6. Are you getting enough sleep?

    I underestimated how important sleep was when I was in a season of reducing my stress levels. Making sure I got enough sleep each night by creating a routine, taking magnesium, being mindful of screen time before bed, and even limiting my afternoon coffee helped my body feel stable again! 

Remember, You're Not Alone

It's important to remember that you're not alone in experiencing stress. We all go through ups and downs, and it's okay to ask for help when we need it. By listening to our bodies, finding balance in our lives, and implementing practical strategies for stress management, we can take charge of our well-being and navigate life's challenges with resilience and strength.

Remember that everyone's capacities, life situations, and stress levels are different! Our favorite tips that work for us at Bra Necessities might look different for you! Regardless, we highly recommend incorporating self care, self love, and mindfulness into your daily routine!

Kimberly Lindballe